The “best rate” is not always what it seems. Many lenders advertise an incredible rate, but the percent of borrowers who qualify for that rate is very small. Also, these rates often come with hidden costs, like high points or exorbitant closing fees. It is truly a buyer beware situation. As the saying goes, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
As for whether you should respond to any of these calls, letters, and TV commercials on your own, think of it like this: Sure, you could make three to five (or more!) calls, solicit the info, and make graphs and lists of rates that you might not completely understand or that come with hidden fees you’re not expecting. Or you could work with a licensed loan originator, like me, who’ll take the time to understand your goals, your situation, and get you to the finish line with the best program for your situation.
Remember, it’s my job to know the right questions to ask and to know the reputable lenders. I can help you sift through all of the options available and narrow them down to what best fits your needs. Best of all, I save you time.